Tillandsia Plant Care
General Tillandsia Care
Need bright skylight. Place by windows, on balconies, in patios or under a tree. If given direct sunlight, early morning sunlight is preferred. Provide partial shade (~50%) from scorching noon or early afternoon sun.
Bright artificial light can be used. Place plants on table directly below 3-4 fluorescent tubes on the ceiling or directly under a daylight-bulb positioned not more than 30cm away from the plants for 8-14 hours a day.
Need good air circulation.
Frequency of watering depends on the environment in which the plants grow. Water plants more often if weather is hot, windy or dry, less often if weather is wet. Generally, water plants 2 to 3 times a week (best in the morning), by spraying them till they are dripping wet. Do not let water collect in leaf crevices for a few consecutive days as it may lead to rot. Water collected should dry within a day. If need, turn plants upside-down to drain excess water.
When a plant is dehydrated, its leaves will curl up, learn how to recognise this condition & water accordingly.
In addition to spraying the plants, they can be completely submerged in water once every 2 week for up to 6 hours, this will thoroughly hydrate the leaves. After soaking, pick up the plants and turn them upside-down to allow excess water to flow out, then place the plants at a location with good air circulation (by an open window, balcony or patio) for them to dry properly. If need, use a portable fan to gently blow dry the plants. Extra care must be given to the bulbous & ‘furry’ species as excess water trapped between the leaves can cause rotting. If you're not sure, do not soak bulbous & 'furry' plants.
Use liquid fertilizer. Spray whole plant once every 2 weeks. Alternatively, the plants can be submerged in the fertilizer solution.
Glowing Your Tillandsias
Tillandsia can be attached to any objects with the use of fishing line, thread, wire or glue. Grow the plants - especially the bulbous and the 'furry' species - in positions where excess water can drain easily from the crevices in between the leaves.
Wherever you wish to place the plant, keep in mind these 3 factors : Light, Water & Air Circulation. Ignore any 1 of these 3 factors, the plant will not do well in the long run.
Glued on ornaments
Placed in a container
Tied using fishing line
Tied using plastic-coated wire
Plant Clinic
Brown Leaf Tips
The brown colored leaf tips indicate that the air is too dry or hot. Give the tips an extra spray or two each day to prevent 'browning'. The tips can be sniped off if you find it unsightly.
The two leaves (with a brown patch and with a brown tip) were injured when they are accidentally bent, causing the injured part to turn brown.
Dried Up Plants
These 2 plants dried up completely and died after being forgotten on a hot balcony for 2 full weeks!
Rotting Plant
Notice the black color, it shows that the plant has rotted, this particular plant was watered too frequently and was not given a chance to dry in between watering.
Dehydrated Plant
Notice the tightly curled up leaves, it shows the plant in its dehydrated state.
Same plant after an 8hr soak.